Give 'em what they want!
Dolphins, plastic plants, and a techie husband...
I've never liked shopping for other people. It is a bit nerve wracking, like a first date. You want to put your best foot forward. Your gift has to be insightful, thoughtful, practical, yet amusing with just a hint of "I know you well enough to know that you would just adore this limited edition Mickey Mouse™ football phone with an optional hands-free set!" So there we are spending hours at the mall or trolling online, trying to divine the earthly desires of our nearest and dearest until alas, we do the next best thing. We guess, and pray, that the Bed Bath and Beyond gift card you swiped at the Target checkout line is actually a store your brother goes to. Even boys need scented candles now and again right?
My family hates me...
I'm one of those "impossible" people to shop for. I don't wear perfume or jewelry. I haven't bought a DVD in ten years and my "taste" in clothes makes college kids look like fashionistas. Yeah, I'm one of those. And let me tell you, finicky people pay for their sins. In my case, paid for in dolphins. Gifts of dolphin clocks, dolphin blankets, dolphin necklaces. Why? Because I love the beach. Thus by extension I must naturally love dolphins. It was all my poor parents could think of. Dolphins. That's why we're here. In part to stop the onslaught of dolphin paraphernalia for yourself and to give you ideas for your own "impossible" family member so you aren't reduced to porpoise restricted shopping. But I'm not the only guilty party in the universe...
Seriously what the hell is a "Intel Xeon L5506 Nehalem" anyway?!?!?!
My husband is a geek. There. I admit it. Geeky husbands have their merits (in house tech support anyone?) But communicating with mine about technology reduces us to a pair of confused gerbils who wander around the living room in a sordid battle of acronym charades. There are long explanations, pointing grunts and words I don't understand which usually illicit blank stares but eventually result in tears of pain. If I never heard about usability statistics again, I would be a happy girl. The point is - I have to shop for this guy. I have no idea what "Intel Xeon L5506 Nehalem" is. Is it big? Is it small? Does it have a laser setting that can vaporize canaries and Democrats at will? I have no clue. But with GIFT.LY I can follow a link and make sure he gets one for Christmas in lime green just like he wants.
And that's why we're here. To take the guesswork out of gift buying both for yourself and your wonderful family members. Because we take pity on the clerks at Macy's who have to deal with that returned sweater from Aunt Mabel. So skip those holiday gift guides and get them what they want with GIFT.LY!